Whether you are an AMASV member, a frequent attendee at our luncheons, or newly introduced, we are happy that you’re here!
The American Marketing Association launched a brand refresh this year and you will start to see small changes in our Chapter’s appearance. A fresh, clean design and new sleek font are only the beginning! We have launched this blog to capture some of the happenings and unique marketing focus required in the Sacramento Valley region. We will also be hosting guest bloggers from time to time for their insight and perspective on this growing, dynamic area. Our first two blog posts captured why connecting with us can change the conversation of recruiting. We look forward to showcasing the ongoing value of the AMASV.
We want to promote personal and professional growth, as well as a connectedness among members. Together, we will represent one brand. A brand that is recognized worldwide, a brand that is the authority on all thing marketing, a brand that connects marketers in a very real way.
Through the continuation of our Marketing Automation Special Interest Group (SIG) in addition to the topics and speakers that you have asked us for – we are looking forward to rallying our local marketing connections to make the most impact for each of us. If you haven’t signed up for our weekly emails for new event details, free white papers, and industry studies, as well as national webinars on a variety of topics, sign up here now! The 2017-2018 Board of Directors is excited for the coming year and for the great list of additions coming to our area. We hope to see you soon.
Check out this AMA video about the motivation behind their rebrand: